I haven't seen this much snow in a long time. When I was living in the city, it would snow a lot, but hardly ever stick to the ground. If it did stick to the ground, it was beautifully white, making the city looking fresh and clean for about 30 minutes and then it was slushy, dirty and brown from all the cars and people. Up here in the 'burbs, everything is covered in a blanket (a very THICK blanket) of white, puffy snow...which obviously makes it difficult to do anything or go anywhere. I was supposed to pick up Marc from the train station. Not a hard task on most days, but today with the snow and the baby, this task was impossible. In pre-baby times, I would have gone outside, shoveled the driveway, warmed up the car, given myself PLENTY of time to get to the station and gone to pick up my hubby. But today, if my neighbor hadn't (luckily) been on the same train as Marc and offered to drive him home, I would have had to first make sure the baby was down for a nap so I could go outside to shovel, shovel as fast as possible before she woke up from her nap, feed her after she woke up just in case the trip to the station took forever, change her, bundle her up and get her into the car seat (unwillingly, on her part, of course), and then drive as slowly and carefully as possible to pick up Daddy. Meanwhile, I'm sure she would have been screaming the whole way because of her aversion to said car seat, which wouldn't have mixed well with the stress I would have felt driving in this weather and on top of that I would have been stuck in the traffic that I've been hearing about from my neighbors due to accidents and poor (or non-existent) plowing situations. Boy am I glad that we have nice neighbors (did I mention that one of them has already plowed my driveway since he was already doing his own and my other neighbor's father is going to come by later with his truck and do ours when he does his son's?). I wish that Marc hadn't gone to work today because since the first snowflake started to fall, my stomach has been in a knot that won't be untied until he safely walks through the door. This crazy weather has also put a damper on plans I had with my friends tonight...our annual instead-of-gifts dinner. Thankfully we were all able to reschedule for Monday. I would have been super pissed and sad if we couldn't have picked an alternate date.
As a kid, days like today mean a snow day, a snowball fight or a snowman, but as an adult it becomes shoveling, stressing and kinda sh*tty in general. I'll probably enjoy snowstorms more when Isabelle is able to play in the snow, but until then I'm perfectly happy with just a little flurry or, better yet, no snow at all.