Yes is a big day because Barack Obama was elected president of the Unites States of America...but it was an even bigger day because Isabelle rolled over from her back to her belly all by herself! :-) The things that I find fascinating now are so different than what they used to be before her birth. Or the things that I worry about or get worked up over...completely different! I remember getting ready for my wedding and fretting about all the little details (I was so concerned about the paper cones with the rose petals in them and whether or not they would be ready in time for people to use them at the end of the ceremony). That seemed like such a big deal at the time, but now it just seems ridiculous. These days, my main concerns all have to do with Isabelle: is she feeling okay, is that enough time for her to nap, is that color poop normal, is she ever going to like being in the carseat, is she getting enough to eat while nursing, etc., etc. My husband (Marc) asked me yesterday when I thought I might be ready to try for baby number two...I gave him the "Whatchu lookin at Willis" look because they say that you should start trying for your next child when you've forgotten what labor and delivery felt like and let's just say that I haven't even come close to forgetting (I'll get into the labor story another time)! Not only that, I don't know if I'm ready to share my love just yet. I'm still so desperately in love with Isabelle and I don't want to jip baby number two of all this love and affection. On the slightly negative side, I really don't know if I'm ready to go through the sleepless nights, breastfeeding concerns, very little adult contact and overall loneliness of being a new mommy just yet...I'm still going through all that right now! Maybe when Izzy is 18 months or so we can start to try for another baby, but as of right now that option is being tabled.
Today was a pretty decent day for me and Isabelle...other than her big rolling over moment (which was really neat), she had at least one good nap and we went on two nice long walks together. My dad came over for his weekly lunch with us (which has become something that I look forward to each week) and we had some of the mushroom soup that I "slaved" over this morning. Other than all of that - I fed Izzy, changed her, played with her and did all of the things that we do every other day of the week. I don't want to take for granted the fact that I am able to be home with my daughter and experience all her milestones with her one by one, but it can get a bit monotonous from time to time. That's just the honest truth. There's only so many times you can sing "The Itsy-Bitsy Spider" without going a little nutty.
Today was a pretty decent day for me and Isabelle...other than her big rolling over moment (which was really neat), she had at least one good nap and we went on two nice long walks together. My dad came over for his weekly lunch with us (which has become something that I look forward to each week) and we had some of the mushroom soup that I "slaved" over this morning. Other than all of that - I fed Izzy, changed her, played with her and did all of the things that we do every other day of the week. I don't want to take for granted the fact that I am able to be home with my daughter and experience all her milestones with her one by one, but it can get a bit monotonous from time to time. That's just the honest truth. There's only so many times you can sing "The Itsy-Bitsy Spider" without going a little nutty.
Looking forward to reading this new blog of yours - it will most certainly give me some insight on things to come!
Anytime Shira - and I really have enjoyed reading yours as well!