Friday, December 19, 2008

DON'T Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow

I haven't seen this much snow in a long time. When I was living in the city, it would snow a lot, but hardly ever stick to the ground. If it did stick to the ground, it was beautifully white, making the city looking fresh and clean for about 30 minutes and then it was slushy, dirty and brown from all the cars and people. Up here in the 'burbs, everything is covered in a blanket (a very THICK blanket) of white, puffy snow...which obviously makes it difficult to do anything or go anywhere. I was supposed to pick up Marc from the train station. Not a hard task on most days, but today with the snow and the baby, this task was impossible. In pre-baby times, I would have gone outside, shoveled the driveway, warmed up the car, given myself PLENTY of time to get to the station and gone to pick up my hubby. But today, if my neighbor hadn't (luckily) been on the same train as Marc and offered to drive him home, I would have had to first make sure the baby was down for a nap so I could go outside to shovel, shovel as fast as possible before she woke up from her nap, feed her after she woke up just in case the trip to the station took forever, change her, bundle her up and get her into the car seat (unwillingly, on her part, of course), and then drive as slowly and carefully as possible to pick up Daddy. Meanwhile, I'm sure she would have been screaming the whole way because of her aversion to said car seat, which wouldn't have mixed well with the stress I would have felt driving in this weather and on top of that I would have been stuck in the traffic that I've been hearing about from my neighbors due to accidents and poor (or non-existent) plowing situations. Boy am I glad that we have nice neighbors (did I mention that one of them has already plowed my driveway since he was already doing his own and my other neighbor's father is going to come by later with his truck and do ours when he does his son's?). I wish that Marc hadn't gone to work today because since the first snowflake started to fall, my stomach has been in a knot that won't be untied until he safely walks through the door. This crazy weather has also put a damper on plans I had with my friends tonight...our annual instead-of-gifts dinner. Thankfully we were all able to reschedule for Monday. I would have been super pissed and sad if we couldn't have picked an alternate date.

As a kid, days like today mean a snow day, a snowball fight or a snowman, but as an adult it becomes shoveling, stressing and kinda sh*tty in general. I'll probably enjoy snowstorms more when Isabelle is able to play in the snow, but until then I'm perfectly happy with just a little flurry or, better yet, no snow at all.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Big Box O'Gifts!

Today, St. Nick visited our doorstep on behalf of Izzy's Great Aunt Karen. On our mini stoop was a huge box and inside it was filled with presents. We decided not to open any until next week before we leave for Montreal, but they were all from Aunt Karen and Henry. It's too bad that we live so far from them because AK truly has the touch. When Isabelle was really small, AK came to visit and when NO ONE else could get that baby to quiet down and sleep, in came AK to save the day. Perhaps it was because she once had a baby like Izzy (fussy, wailing, non-sleeping), perhaps it was because Isabelle sensed no fear with her (whereas with me she could smell it a mile away) or perhaps it was simply because AK had developed a patented swaying motion that the rest of us had yet to learn. All I know is, she is the only one that was able to get Isabelle to fall asleep in the car seat...and that is quite a feat. Makes me kinda wish she were free to travel with us next week. Isabelle loves her Great AK and you can hear her saying so in the bath time chatting video. I know that all some may hear is "Ba ba ba ba", but I know that she said, "I love my Great Aunt Karen"...I heard it when I played the video backwards (yes, my baby knows how to create subliminal messaging...didn't you know she's a genius?). Anyway - GAK (Great Aunt Karen), if you're reading this...thanks to you and Henry for the wonderful gifts that we plan to open next week and we can't wait to see you again!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

What is is about holiday parties that make people lose their minds?

I went to my neighborhood holiday party last night. I didn't have to go far (literally right across the street) and I was excited to be out of the house past 7pm...that hasn't happened in a long time (7 months today actually). :-)

Marc and I were going to go to the party in shifts since we didn't have a babysitter for Isabelle (Mom is in Florida and Dad originally said he would babysit, only to snatch that nugget of hope away because he forgot he was going to be in Pennsylvania). For a moment, and it really was just a moment, I thought that maybe Marc and I could both go and just bring our little portable video monitor with us (since it gets pretty awesome reception). But then I realized, very quickly, that it was not the best idea and probably means that I'm a bad mommy for even thinking it. Sometimes you just get a little nutty at the thought of going out...know what I mean?

The party was great...lots of food, booze, music and nice people. After a little while, I called Marc to let him know that I would come home and he could have "his turn", but (and this is why I LOVE my husband) he told me to stay because he knew how much I wanted/needed a night out. I ended up bartending for most of the evening (because that's my comfort zone) and shooting the breeze with everyone until nearly 1:30am. During the party, people really just lost their minds. One of the girls hung Christmas tree ornaments (the balls) from her shirt in two "interesting" spots and wad dancing around, one of the guys ended up in a toga and I might have smushed cake on my neighbor's shirt (he dared me to and his wife said it was okay so what was I supposed to do?). I had a few drinks (which hit me like a ton of bricks since I haven't really had much alcohol in over a year) and overall had a blast. Last night, I was not a mommy...I was just a chic hanging out and having some drinks with friends.

Of course, as soon as I came home I was back in Mommy-Mode because the first thing I did was pump-and-dump so I wouldn't get my child drunk in the morning ("Mommy, is that screwdriver I taste?"). My lovely daughter reminded me, very loudly at 6am, that I am in fact a mom and not just a chic hanging out anymore. But the headache, puffy eyes and exhaustion today was well worth it. Yay for the holidays!

Friday, December 12, 2008

So much for that

Well, I tried. This was my first time doing the NaBloPoMo-post-every-day-in-December experience and I made it 9 days. I pikced the wrong month to try to think of something to write each day...what with Christmas shopping, visiting family and taking care of Isabelle, I just couldn't do it. We'll just have to try again next month.

On to recent goings-on...Grandma is off to Florida tomorrow for 2 weeks. Last night we had a mini fake Christmas, coupled with taco night, and Isabelle got even more gifts from Grandma (THANKS!). It's funny that as a child we can't wait for Christmas so that we can ask Santa (and relatives as we get into our teenage years) for the latest, greatest items on the market...and we have no shame in asking for LOTS of them. As an adult, you don't really get to do that anymore because it's considered to be uncouth. Then you become a parent and when your little one is too small to ask for things get to do it for her and it's like being a kid all over again. Only thing is you don't exactly get to enjoy the spoils, but it's still fun! Izzy has already gotten so many things from her Aunt Linda and Grandma Diane, not to mention the thousands of items Mommy has already been buying her since she was born (and claiming that they're Christmas gifts so Daddy won't get too mad at how much she's spending).

We're getting closer and closer to our trip to Montreal and the excitement is definitely building, as is the stress. I'm not stressed about seeing the family (I can't WAIT for that), but I am concerned about how the traveling and parties and events that are planned will affect Isabelle's sleeping patterns and overall mood. I am hoping that she will just be touched by the Christmas spirit and be an angel the whole trip, but I have a feeling that is one Christmas wish that is a bit of a stretch. :-)

Monday, December 8, 2008

Odd Happenings in Our Home

New mommies beware! Just when you think you've got your kid somewhat figured out, she/he will go and change things up on you so fast you won't know what hit you! For the past week or so, things with Izzy have been going along swimmingly...she's been a little crabby and had the whole "I can't poop" thing going on, but the sleep has been basically decent and the naps have been nice and regular. And then came today.
Naps...sucky. Evening playtime...crummy. Going to sleep....don't even ask me about it! There's no fever, I don't think she has a tummy-ache, she's been fed and yet, she has been having the worst time falling asleep tonight. It usually only takes her a few minutes...tonight we were up to 65 minutes of tossing, turning, whining, crying. I even went in to her (against the advice of CIO, which we've been doing successfully for a while now) and nursed her a little more. I thought she'd go down relatively easily after that, but no dice. Even in my arms she seemed miserable. She finally fell to sleep a full hour and 15 minutes after the time I originally put her down and now I'm just insanely worried about how she will fare tonight (and possible subsequent nights). Usually when she has "sleep disturbances" like the ones she's had today, they last over the course of a few days and then things get back to normal...or as normal as they'll ever get given the fact that she is a baby, hence unpredictable and the epitome of everything abnormal. Maybe this is all happening because she has been learning how to sit up almost completely unassisted over the past two days. They say ("they" being the all-knowing baby gods of the parenting magazines and websites) that when a baby achieves a milestone, such as sitting up or crawling, his or her mind and body go into over-drive with the new learning experience and they tend to have some changes in their sleeping habits as a cause of it. It sounds logical, even though it also sounds like the kind of thing you'd say with a lot of conviction in the hopes that people would believe you (kind of like when people tell you that it is good luck when a bird poops on you). Who knows...maybe it's true and maybe it's not, but all I can hope for is a good night's sleep for Isabelle, as well as for myself and Marc. Fingers crossed!

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Sunday, December 7, 2008

I'm Going On a Date!

YAY! My husband and I are going on a date next Friday! My dad has agreed to "watch" the baby (there isn't really much to do since she goes to sleep around 6:30pm and I don't nurse her at night anymore, so he really just has to sit around in my house, use the computer or send emails with his I-Phone). Marc and I haven't been on a date in about a month so it will be nice to dress up (it's silly that I get dressed up to go to TGI Friday's , but I'll take any excuse at this point), go to dinner and out for a movie. I'm so lucky to have my parents so close by and, usually, available to help us out. We haven't really needed TOO much help so far, but it's comforting to know that they're nearby if, and when, we need them. My in-laws are in Canada and I would love to be able to see them more often. It is great when they visit...yes, a lot of that has to do with the fact that my father-in-law works like beast to help us with our home, but my mother-in-law makes yummy meals and is so wonderful with Isabelle (and of course we love just spending time with them). Now that Isabelle is here, I wish that the technology geeks of the world would invent those "travel pods" they had in Star Trek so that I could just pop in and have Scotty beam me to wherever I wanted to go. That way, I could take Izzy and we could drop by for a day visit with Mimmy and Aunt Linda in Florida, Nonna in Brooklyn, Aunt Karen in Texas and all our family in Canada. It would makes things so much easier. Thank goodness for the internet though because at the very least everyone is able to stay up-to-date on all of Isabelle's latest achievements and milestones, not to mention the thousands of photos and vidoes we take of her daily. And as an added bonus, they get to read my ever-so-in-depth ponderings and ramblings on this wicked awesome blog...woo-hoo!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Nursing Strike

What the heck is going on? This child seems to be on a nursing strike...kind of. Every few hours she'll "cross the picket line" and go in to nurse with gusto only to pull of a few minutes later (3 minutes to be exact) crying or refusing to continue nursing. I switch her to the other side and she does the same thing. She has never been one to nurse for an extended length of time, but 3 minutes on each side? I can't see how she's possibly getting enough. She doesn't seem super hungry (although she does eat her solids like a "Morta de fam" (I have no idea if I spelled that right, but that's what my mom called her and I guess it means piglet in "I-talian" slang). She puts EVERYTHING in her mouth: rubber ducky, toy car, my keys, her bib, Velcro. But when it comes to nursing, all bets are off. It is a struggle to get her to nurse for more than 3 or 4 minutes on each breast and I'm worried that she's not getting enough milk. If she took the bottle, I wouldn't worry so much because I'd be able to supplement whatever she wasn't getting at the boob with expressed breast milk in the bottle, but we all know how THAT story goes. It is so weird how she starts to nurse like she's famished and within minutes it is like I'm force-feeding her the way she acts. I have read online that it may be because the flow is fast to start and then slows down to a trickle so she gets impatient and just becomes that much more efficient at nursing. I really hope that this is the case because I would hate to think that I'm "starving" my child because there's not enough milk and she just doesn't feel like waiting around for the second let-down. I hope this strike ends soon.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Isabelle's First Meeting with Santa Claus

What a fun day! Today, Izzy and I met up with Pocklock and Lyla Bean at the mall and Isabelle had her picture taken with Santa Claus. We had to take pictures twice because the first time around, Isabelle wasn't quite sure what to make of the situation and ended up looking sad or angry in each photo. During the second round, our little elf took an adorable picture (which I would post, but that would ruin our secret Christmas gifts) and she didn't freak out when I sat her on Santa's lap like she almost did during round one.

On another note, I was reminded today of how particular, and sometimes difficult, my daughter can be as I watched little Lyla, who had not slept at all during the day, quietly nuzzle against her mommy in the Maya wrap (sling) without making a peep while Isabelle chattered away and whined a little in the Baby Bjorn (facing outward of course...G*d forbid I face her in...she'd have a fit!). Then, Pocklock laid Lyla down in the stroller, again not a peep, and she fell asleep within 10 minutes or so. Not my munchkin. She whined until I took her out of the Bjorn and just held her. I tried to put her facing in, thinking she might fall asleep (HA...fat chance) and finally I just submitted and held her in my arms until we left the mall. My back is going to need some MAJOR chiropractic therapy. The only thing that made me feel like less of the slave that I am to my daughter's whims based on her fussy and demanding nature is when Pocklock told me that The Bean HATES taking baths and cries as if someone is physically hurting her. I thought to myself, "Really? This incredibly easy-going baby, who can fall asleep anywhere, who doesn't make a peep while shopping or while out at restaurants and who isn't all over the place while nursing screams bloody-murder while being bathed?". I actually told Pocklock that I was relieved to hear that. Isn't that insane? I'm relieved at another mother's troubles. So not okay. But it just makes me feel like I'm not the only one who deals with "issues" and that even the easiest-seeming babies have their moments too. I hate to say it, but it does put my mind at rest a little (sorry Pocklock!). I'm pretty sure that there are plenty of mommies out there who feel a small twinge of relief, and maybe even validation, when they hear that my child doesn't take the bottle. Maybe they had a ton of trouble nursing and that was their cross to bear, but their child takes the bottle and hearing about one that doesn't helps them to feel that their plight was not a completely lost one. All of us mommies go through our own trials and tribulations and, many times, feel like the only soul on earth dealing with that situation. Then, one day, you talk to another mother who is going through the same thing, or something different but equally as hard, and you feel connected, validated, triumphant, empathetic and saved all at the same time. It's not that you feel better than that other mom (because you COMPLETELY feel her pain), but you gain a sense of "I'm not the only one"-ness and your trials and tribulations get put into perspective a bit.

So - thanks Pocklock, for helping me feel a little less like an island today. Here's hoping that Izzy will sit in a stroller one day without having a flipout-fest and Lyla will learn to enjoy her time in the bath.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

To the Tune of "Oh, Christmas Tree"

Oh, Sippy Cup
Oh, Sippy Cup
I'm hoping Izzy likes you

Oh, Sippy Cup
Oh, Sippy Cup
I'm hoping Izzy likes you

My daughter is a stubborn tike
Looks at the bottle with great dislike

Oh, Sippy Cup
Oh, Sippy Cup
I'm hoping Izzy likes you

The breast is all she's ever taken
but Mommy's boobs feel like they're breakin

Oh, Sippy Cup
Oh, Sippy Cup
I'm hoping Izzy likes you

Mom wants to go out on the town
But must be home to nurse her down

Oh, Sippy Cup
Oh, Sippy Cup
I'm hoping Izzy likes you

Dad wants a chance to feed her too
So Sippy Cup, it's up to you

Oh, Sippy Cup
Oh, Sippy Cup
We're hoping Izzy drinks from you!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I Think I Want to Switch Doctors

Isabelle's doctor is nice enough, but I've had some issues with him as of late because I feel like he gives me the same rote answers he would give to anyone without really assessing the situation. Case in point #1: At our last well-baby visit, I mentioned that Isabelle had been having some difficulty with her bowel movements and I asked if it could possibly be the vitamins he prescribed for her that are fortified with iron. He answered that it probably wasn't, that I should give her some pedialyte (which I thought was for diarrhea and vomiting) and that should help. Well, after seven (Yes, SEVEN) days without so much as an m&m sized turd in her diaper, I called his "replacement" doctor and he said to give her a baby suppository and that he doesn't understand why her doctor doesn't prescribe her the vitamins without the iron since they are obviously (Yes, OBVIOUSLY) binding her. Needless to say, I called her original doctor and demanded, very pleasantly of course, that he call in a precription for the vitamins with the flouride but without the iron, to which he made it seem as if this is what we should have done from the beginning!

I also feel that he doesn't seem to pay close attention to the small details that make a huge difference. Case in Point #2: I brought Isabelle in for her 4 month check-up almost 2 weeks late because the office had to reschedule. At this appointment she had her shots (all five of them). We then went to her 6 month check-up almost 2 weeks early because that was the only time they could fit us in and her doc was ready to give her the 6 month shots. At this point, I piped up and said, "We were just here about a month ago because of it safe to do that?" His response, "What? Oh let me look at the chart. You were just here...oh no, we can't give her those shots today. That would make them too close together". Ummm....DUH!!! What if I hadn't said anything? Isn't that what the stupid chart is for? I am not a doctor and I am supposed to be able to trust the person with the degree, but how can I do that when I am doing his job for him. Look at the chart, butthead, and figure out whether or not it is okay to give my child her shots BEFORE you decide to do so! And for that matter, rather than rush off to your next patient, book less patients and spend the necessary time with my kid so that she's in the best of health....that's your stinkin job!

It's time to start looking for a new doc for Isabelle because this one is making me ill.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

A Christmas "Getting to Know You" Questionnaire

Welcome to the Christmas edition of getting to know your friends. Okay, here’s what you’re supposed to do, and try not to be a SCROOGE!!! Just copy this and paste onto your blog.Change all the answers so that they apply to you. Then tag other bloggers, and then comment here and tell me you did it so I can learn something new about you……Tis the Season to be NICE!

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Both
2. Real tree or Artificial? Small and Artificial
3. When do you put up the tree? Already done
4. When do you take the tree down? Hopefully the weekend after New Year's if I'm not too tired. 5. Do you like eggnog? Only if it is chock full of alcohol
6. Favorite gift received as a child? My first Barbie Doll who I eventually mutilated somehow when I was older to see what she was made of.
7. Hardest person to buy for? my mother
8. Easiest person to buy for? my husband
9. Do you have a nativity scene? yes, my atheist (kinda) mother and my sorta catholic dad used to put one up under our tree that was passed down and down and down through the family.
10. Mail or email Christmas cards? Mail...I'd better get started!
11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? a really gawdy scarf
12. Favorite Christmas Movie? Charlie Brown Christmas
13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? I haven't exactly started yet
14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Yes (I know, for shame!)
15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas?
16. Lights on the tree? Yes, of course
17. Favorite Christmas song? All of them except "Little Drummer Boy"
18. Travel at Christmas or stay home? Traveling to Montreal this year to see the in-laws.
19. Can you name all of Santa’s reindeer’s? If you give me a moment I probably could (Dasher, Dancer, Donner, Blitzen, Comet, Cupid, Prancer and Vixen? And of course Rudolph)
20. Angel on the tree top or a star? Star
21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or Christmas morning? one the night before and the rest the morning of
22. Most annoying part about this time of year? Wack-a-doodles at the stores who bum rush and go crazy
23. Favorite ornament theme or color? All my ornaments that my mother gave with my name on them and my daughter's "first" ornaments
24. Favorite for Christmas dinner? EVERYTHING
25. What do you want for Christmas this year? I have everything I beautiful daughter and my loving husband (okay fine...maybe a small piece of jewelry would be nice too)
26. 5 Bloggers I am tagging to pass along the Christmas spirit?
Angel711, LadySarene, SethandJanelle ( I really only know 3 that haven't gotten this yet)

Monday, December 1, 2008

Diaper Check - Part II

Not too long ago, I posted about how new mothers basically live their lives around their baby's pooping habits. This still holds true (even though this is only 2 weeks later), but it has become even worse. I have been obsessing lately over the fact that my little angel has not had a "deposit", as my blogging friend refers to it, in 5 days. She has been straining and pushing, with no obvious discomfort, for a few days with no result. But today, as I was changing her and trying to "help her along", she got "it" (excuse me for being gross) halfway out, her face got all red and she started to cry. We have all been there so we know how uncomfortable, and sometimes painful, it can be, but we're grown-ups and understand why this happens. She's just a little munchkin looking at me with teary eyes that say, "Mommy, what the F**K is going on?". I feel horrible that I don't know how to help her. I called her pediatrician this morning and his solution was to give her 2 ml. of pedialyte in the morning and the evening and then if she doesn't have success by tomorrow to give her a glycerin suppository. Poor little thing! I can't imagine what it must be like to be so uncomfortable and not know why it is happening or how to stop it. I am hoping for the poop fairy to visit my daughter and help her with this incredibly difficult situation. I don't care if there is poop everywhere, as long as she is not in pain anymore.

We'll just keep checking that diaper!
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