Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Not the best night

UGH! Seriously? I mean, seriously? Does this baby EVER want to sleep? I think the answer might be a big, fat NO! Going to sleep at bedtime was no problem (it usually isn't), but just as I was going to bed at 10:30pm, Isabelle decided that it would be the perfect time to wake up and play. I let her do her thing in her crib because I thought (hoped) that she would put herself back to sleep. She talked to herself, kicked her legs and rolled back and forth for nearly an hour and then cried for twenty minutes and THEN fell asleep for five minutes only to wake up again and play/cry for another 20-30 minutes. She FINALLY fell back to sleep at 12:30am...not good. Of course, for those two hours, I was watching the monitor to make sure she was okay...so no sleep for me. I thought that this would be the end of it since she MUST be tired (I know I was), but NOOOOO. Izzy woke up again at 5am to play and fuss until 5:30am, went back to sleep until 6am and then the same routine until I went in to "get her up" at 6:45am. SERIOUSLY? I really hope that this is not the new shtick. I thought that babies around 6 months old were supposed to be able to sleep through the night. So much for that theory. Isabelle has proven many "baby theories" wrong during her 6 months on this planet. Not to mention the fact that we have been doing CIO (Cry it out) with her for over a month (please don't judge) so you would think that by now she would be able to "self-soothe", but no...not my daughter. She likes to make things challenging. At least she's not a "trick baby", as my friend called it...the kind of baby that tricks you into thinking that being a parent is easy because they fall asleep anywhere, never fuss about eating, rarely whine or cry and are basically deceivingly easy...until baby #2 comes along and shows you the opposite. Isabelle is quick with a smile and usually delightful, but she is definitely NOT a "trick baby".

Hmmm..how can I make things difficult today?


  1. Don't feel badly about trying the "crying it out" method. It's tried and true.

    I'm not a mom, but what you're going through sounds completely normal. Stay strong (and enjoy the pasta recipe!).

  2. Yay, welcome to the blog world! So happy that we are now going to see how you guys are doing at the click of a mouse :). We can totally relate to the sleeping nonsense. Abbie always keeps us guessing, but overall has been a pretty good sleeper. The last 3 nights she has slept 11 hours each . . . hope this streak lasts!

  3. Ahhh,
    Your Isabelle sounds so much like my Dana. Oh,those very challenging, very specific first girls. Remember to follow your heart through this. Your her mom, you love her, and you know what is best for her...even if she disagrees. Motherhood looks beautiful on you.

  4. Thank everyone! I don't think I would be geting through this new experience without all the love and support, so thanks! Lotsa love to you all!


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